Dual-Use Goods Policy

We are in Electio Trading Limited are committed to upholding the highest standards of ethical business conduct. As part of this commitment, we adhere to strict guidelines concerning the types of products and services we offer. One of our core principles is ensuring that we do not engage in any activities involving dual-use goods—items that can be used for both civilian and military applications.

By using our website and services, you agree to comply with the following terms and conditions:

1. Definition of Dual-Use Goods

Dual-use goods are items, software, or technology that may be used for both civilian and military purposes, including but not limited to:

  • Electronics and machinery that could be adapted for military or defense purposes.
  • Chemicals, materials, or technologies that may be used in the development of weapons or weapon systems.
  • Goods listed under international export control regulations, including but not limited to the European Union’s Dual-Use Regulation and similar laws in other jurisdictions.

2. Prohibited Goods and Activities

Electio Trading Limited does not participate in the sale, distribution, or handling of dual-use goods. Specifically:

  • We do not trade, export, import, or broker goods that are classified under any local or international regulations as dual-use items.
  • We do not engage in activities involving the transfer of technology, software, or knowledge that could be repurposed for military use or any other use that violates international laws.
  • Any attempt to use our platform or services for the trading or distribution of dual-use goods will be considered a violation of these Terms and Conditions and may result in the immediate termination of the relationship, as well as potential legal action.

3. Compliance with International Laws

Electio Trading Limited complies fully with all applicable national and international export control laws, regulations, and embargoes. Our business activities are strictly confined to civilian and commercial purposes, ensuring that we do not contribute to activities that may compromise international peace and security.

As a customer or business partner, you are responsible for ensuring that any goods or services you seek through Electio Trading Limited are not classified as dual-use or restricted under relevant laws and regulations.

4. Due Diligence and Screening

To enforce our commitment to compliance, Electio Trading Limited conducts thorough due diligence and screening processes on all customers, suppliers, and transactions. This includes:

  • Verifying the end-use and end-user of all products and services to ensure they comply with our policies.
  • Conducting background checks on potential partners to ensure their business practices align with our ethical standards.
  • Monitoring transactions for any red flags that could indicate potential involvement in dual-use goods trade.

5. Consequences of Violating Our Dual-Use Goods Policy

Any breach of these terms, including attempts to trade in dual-use goods, will result in the following actions:

  • Immediate termination of any ongoing transactions or business relationships.
  • Cancellation of any accounts, orders, or services associated with the violation.
  • Reporting of the violation to relevant authorities, including export control bodies and law enforcement, as required by law.
  • Legal action, including claims for damages, where applicable.

6. Customer and Partner Responsibilities

As a user of our services or a business partner of Electio Trading Limited, you are required to:

  • Abide by all applicable laws, regulations, and international treaties concerning the use, sale, and transfer of dual-use goods.
  • Provide truthful and accurate information about the intended use of the products or services you are purchasing or brokering through our platform.
  • Inform us promptly if you become aware of any potential violations of our dual-use goods policy or any other legal regulations.

7. Amendments to These Terms and Conditions

Electio Trading Limited reserves the right to update or modify these terms at any time without prior notice. Any changes will be posted on our website, and it is your responsibility to review these terms periodically.

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